The Viscofan Group sets common basic guidelines on human rights as the guiding principles in various areas of the organisation. from employee management to supplier relationship management. These guidelines can be grouped around 3 lines of action: rights in work - promotion of non-discrimination, free association of workers, integration of the disabled, rejection of child exploitation, rejection of forced labour and compliance with the minimum wage in each country, among others - fight against corruption and responsible management of the supply chain.
Some noteworthy measures in the field of labour law:
With respect to labour law, the Code of Conduct states that "employees of the Viscofan Group, within their geographical compass and cultural diversity, will especially abstain from using any behaviour involving discrimination on grounds of race, sex, nationality, language, religion, ideology or any other individual, social or personal circumstance (disability, economic position, trade union membership, etc.), and promote work with dignity, preventing any type of exploitation, with special care taken to avoid child labour".
Viscofan rejects any form of child labour. As stated in the section on labour management in this report, there are no staff under the age of 17 hired at Viscofan. Likewise, the Viscofan Group requires suppliers to have a similar commitment in accordance with our Code of Ethics.
Further, Viscofan promotes work in decent conditions, as well as the prevention of forced labour and consequently, as a control and monitoring measure, this risk has been specifically included in the risk matrix of the Global Risk Committee in order to detect any violation.
Regarding the accessibility of sites for people with disabilities, Viscofan does not have a global standard that regulates the accessibility of people with disabilities in its offices and other locations. However, the company complies with all local regulations and building codes applicable in the countries in which it operates.
The Viscofan Group protects free association of employees. Within equality and protection of employee's interests, about 73% of the company's employees are covered by general collective conditions governing their work activity, therefore improving the minimum conditions set by different labour legislations. The employees of the plants of Spain, Czech Republic, United States, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Serbia, Belgium, France, Australia and Uruguay are protected by collective agreements. Within the collective of the different locations in which the Viscofan Group is present, certain specifications are determined in terms of the notice periods for operational changes.
The minimum remuneration of employees is considered in accordance with the salary level and legal rules of each country where Viscofan carries out its activities. Given the training needs, the characteristics of the production process, and the internal policies of the Viscofan Group that respect the current legislation in each country, the minimum remuneration of the workforce is above the minimum wage established in the country.
The Anti-Corruption Policy also seeks to minimise the risk of acts of corruption, bribery, extortion and other acts of this nature that may undermine human rights and be an obstacle to sustainable development affecting the most unprotected societies. In addition, this fight against corruption contemplated by our policy sets specific criteria regarding donations and sponsorships, establishing the prohibition of using them “to cover up improper payments” or “making donations to political parties or entities linked to them”.
In addition, in line with the objective of extending responsible management to the supply chain, the Group's benchmark plant located in Cáseda (Spain) has SMETA certification, which offers a globally recognised method for evaluating supply chain activities such as labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics.
In addition, in line with the objective of extending responsible management to the supply chain, the Group's benchmark plant located in Cáseda (Spain) has SMETA certification, which offers a globally recognised method for evaluating supply chain activities such as labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics. Viscofan SA has also joined Sedex, the largest collaborative platform for responsibly sharing supply chain data.
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