Annual Report

Work management

Equality and work-life balance

We are committed to creating work environments for our employees that allow them to develop and give the best of themselves. A space where they feel integrated and participate in the future of the company, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or nationality, among others.

The Viscofan Group has created a Corporate Equality committee, reporting to the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, which analyses opportunities and monitoring initiatives to facilitate balance between the professional activity and the family.

The high percentage of men (71%) compared to women (29%) continues to be significant. A similar percentage to that of companies in the sector, where the incorporation of new companies to the Viscofan perimeter throughout the strategic period MORE TO BE continues to present a similar percentage, thus diluting the results of greater employability of women carried out by Viscofan.

  2019   2018
% Average workforce by gender and category Men Women TOTAL   Hombre Mujer TOTAL
Directors 84,6% 15,4% 100,0%   84,4% 15,6% 100,0%
Technicians and supervisors 73,4% 26,6% 100,0%   76,0% 24,0% 100,0%
Administratives 22,9% 77,1% 100,0%   23,8% 76,2% 100,0%
Specialists 75,3% 24,7% 100,0%   74,2% 25,8% 100,0%
Labourers 73,0% 27,0% 100,0%   71,5% 28,5% 100,0%
TOTAL 71,3% 28,7% 100,0%   71,0% 29,0% 100,0%

Increasing the weight of the less represented sex is one of the challenges we face, especially in the retention, development and promotion of female talent: currently only 15.4% of the management level is made up of women.

The Viscofan Group has created a Corporate Equality committee, reporting to the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, which analyses opportunities and monitoring initiatives to facilitate balance between the professional activity and the family. This Committee met twice in 2019 (as in 2018), where it has analysed the evolution of the workforce by gender, monitoring of the universal licenses approved last year for the birth of children and death by spouses and children, even in countries whose legislation does not provide for this. No policies for work disconnection were approved last year.

Within this subject, the 2016-2019 II Equality Plan was completed in Viscofan S.A. The objective, as with preceding plan, was to propose improvements and establish equality and work-life balance objectives within the company. Through the GEW (Gender Equality in the Workplace) process, the plan has centred on four main areas: Leadership; Policy and Strategy; People; Process Management and Relationship with the Environment, so that all of them have had specific action plans until 2019.

In this regard, it should be noted that Naturin Viscofan GmbH, the German subsidiary of the Viscofan Group, holds the "Berufundfamilie" certificate, which recognises the best family reconciliation policies in companies in that country.

In addition, in order to promote and improve the management of this matter, the Viscofan Group participates as a Collaborating entity and member of the Management Committee of the Observatory of Conciliation and Joint Responsibility of the Pontifical University of Comillas.

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